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Invited Book Chapters
  1. Bhugra S, Mishra D, Anupama A,Chaudhury S, Lall B, Chugh A, Chinnusamy V (2019). Deep convolutional neutral networks based framework for estimation of stomata density and structure from microscopic images” In:Leal-Taixé L., Roth S. (eds) Computer Vision – ECCV 2018 Workshops. ECCV 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11134. Springer, Cham.

  2. Bhugra S, Anupama A, Chaudhury S, Lall B, and Chugh A (2018) Multi-modal Image Analysis for Plant Stress Phenotyping. In: Rameshan R., Arora C., Dutta Roy S. (eds) Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, and Graphics. NCVPRIPG 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 841. Springer, Singapore. 

  3. Chugh A, Bhatia P and Jain A (2014) Synthetic Biology for the development of Biodrugs and designer crops and the emerging governance issues In: Systems and Synthetic Biology (Springer Publisher)

  4. Chugh A (2010) Can Intellectual property rights orchestrate the conservation and sustainability of biodiversity. In: Knowledge sharing and Intellectual property management. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG & Co, Germany, Chapter 11, pp192-199

  5. Chugh A and Eudes F (2010) Cell-penetrating peptides: Trojan horse for macromolecule delivery in plants too? In: Membrane-active peptides: methods and results on structure and function (Edited by: Miguel A R B Castanho), IUL Publishers (International University Line), La Jolla, California, USA, Chapter 15, pp 373-388

  6. Eudes F and Chugh A (2009) Overview on Triticale doubled haploids. In: Advances in Haploid Production in Higher Plants Edited By: Alisher Touraev, BP Forster and S Mohan Jain, Springer Publishers pp 87-96

  7. Chugh A and Eudes F (2008) Isolated microspore embryogenesis in cereals: aspects and prospects In: Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology (Edited by Ashwani Kumar & Sudhir K Sopory) IK International Publishing Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, India, pp 205-226

  8. Khurana P, Sehgal A and Chugh A (1998) Transgene interactions in transgenics. In : Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology- Applications and Prospects (Edited by PS Srivastava). Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp 728-750


Kusuma School of Biological Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

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